Want a fast intensive to learn how to lead kirtan? Don’t mind being challenged and possibly feeling frustrated?
Then the 3 Day Kirtan Bootcamp Intensive is for you!
Thurs July 17 – Sat Jul 20, 2025 on the beautiful and peaceful Rivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen Island.

The fast track to learning how to lead kirtan.
Packing the 8 Week In-Person training into 3 days!
All the details, thoroughness, and teachings of the 8 Week In-Person kirtan training will be jam-packed in 3 days!
Ready to have your mind filled full of music and kirtan leading teachings?
Ready to practice playing the harmonium intensively?
Ready to sing your heart out?
Ready to put the teachings and practice to test by performing in front of a supportive kirtan audience?
Ready to make connections to other kirtan enthusiasts around the world?

Innovative Harreson Method
Learn the innovative Harreson method devised by Harreson which uses musical scores as assistance to learning how to finger chords and chord progressions quickly and to assist in singing on pitch and on time.
No need to read musical scores – the Harreson method makes it simple to integrate music scores so that you have a full detailed understanding of the structure of a chant.
Meet Harreson
Purified and molded by the fire of offering community kirtan for the last nine years and developing an innovative approach to learning how to lead kirtan, Harreson might be the teacher who helps you move quickly towards your kirtan goal.

Harreson Sito
Founder of Vancouver Community Kirtan
Main teacher of LearnLeadKirtan
“I stumbled around for so many years, guided only by a tiny feeling to sing for, and to, God.
That desire was all that was needed to bring all the favorable conditions to purify and mold me into a vehicle of a will greater than mine.”
If you have some curiosity or attraction to leading kirtan, that could be the faint voice of your soul whispering to you that learning how to lead kirtan will bring a rich period of growth and blessings.
Kirtan was the one thing in my life that allowed my spirit to soar and be free. I encourage all those who are interested, to take the step into the unknown.
At the very least, you will become a musician!
Do I need to have a prior music experience?
It is not necessary to have any previous music experience. The innovative curriculum developed by Harreson allows a total beginner to start playing within the first lesson.
If you have the desire to learn kirtan and a willingness to put in some practice, then those two factors will allow you to progress greatly in your kirtan journey.
Do I need a harmonium?
Harmoniums will be provided for the 3 Day Kirtan Bootcamp. One of the lessons will be on how to buy a harmonium.
Do I need to read sheet music?
It is not required to read sheet music. The accompanying videos and audio translate the sheet music for you, so all you really need to do is follow the videos. However, Harreson has found that sheet music notation of a chant provides a comprehensive, graphic and detailed map of how to play and sing a kirtan chant. He has transcribed kirtan chants to score and has come up with a methodology to learn without having to read sheet music.
Just watch and follow along with the videos. Reading sheet music is not required.
If at some point you want to a deeper understanding the chant’s musical structure, then the score is available to act as the map to facilitate that.
Do I have to know Western music theory?
There are 4-5 main points in Western music theory that are very useful for playing, singing and leading kirtan. Harreson will give you a broad overview of Western music theory so that in the future, you will feel more comfortable around other Western musicians, such as a guitar accompanist. Also in the future, you will have the basis to create your own melodies for a chant. When you are just starting out, focus on knowing the 4-5 main points. Ignore the rest if you want to, for the time being. Then in the future, you can review the music theory and gain a greater in-depth knowledge of Western music.
What’s so great about the Western music approach to kirtan?
First of all, I think, by playing chords rather than the single notes of the melody, it’s a lot simpler to learn. Also, the very nature of the triad chords taught in the course, is harmonious. So a chord-focused Western approach to kirtan does innately have a harmonious feel to it.
But isn’t the Indian system of sargam and ragas/thaats the real and only thing?
If you are of the nature to desire to learn the intricate and subtle levels of classical Indian music with its system of sargam and ragas/thaats, then all the more power to you! It’s a beautiful and powerful system.
If that’s not of your nature and yet you still have a yearning to create beautiful uplifting experiences for yourself and others, then a Western approach to kirtan could be the path for you!
What if I don’t want to lead kirtan in public?
No problem! Once you gain the skills, then you decide what you want to do with them, whether just for your own personal practice, or maybe a small group of friends and family.
Do I have to share a room with someone?
There’s lots of rooms, so you won’t have to share with anyone.
If you want a double bed, then there’s an extra cost for those rooms. Otherwise, twin beds are available.
Will there be vegan options for food?
Yes, there will be vegan options for lunch, dinner, and snacks.
The food planning is flexitarian, low carb and low sugar. With vegan options.
Hmmm, what’s this? Only lunch and dinner communal meals? What happened to breakfast?
If you find yourself needing some food in the morning before class, be at ease that there will be a small assortment of finger food left out in the morning.
And if you have more specific morning food requirements, then definitely bring your own food for breakfast. There is a kitchen with a fridge and plenty of appliances to prepare food.
The intent of waiting until lunch to share a communal meal is to preserve as much energy for learning in the morning when you are possibly the freshest, rather than diverting energy towards digesting food. The bootcamp will be challenging, so it’s best to have as much inner resources as possible.
It may be prudent to apply the 80% full, leaving 20% free when eating, so as not to overeat and fall into a digestive slumber.
Isn’t not having breakfast unhealthy, especially for women?
If you are a woman who is pregnant or nursing or at a particular time of your cycle, then skipping breakfast might not be the best.
Have a look at these videos by Dr. Mindy Pelz who talks about intermittent fasting for women.
The kirtan journey is a journey of the heart.
- Tune into your own guidance
- Allow the chants to purify you
- Remove the dross that is distracting you from your most enlivened expression of spirit

Follow up Support
After the 3 Day Kirtan Bootcamp, you will have access to 12 monthly online support meetings to be able to ask questions, seek answers, and practice in a supportive environment.