A journey of the heart
This transformative 8 week kirtan training begins a life-long journey of deepening into the heart.
Taking a multi-faith and non-denominational approach to kirtan.
Next start: Tues Feb 18 – Tues Apr 8, 2025 7-9 pm
Everything you need to lead kirtan
With attention to detail, commitment to progress and a compassion that we don’t have to be perfect, this learning journey will challenge and stretch you. You will learn to:
- play chords on the harmonium
- use efficient fingering patterns
- breathe to open your voice’s expression
- keep time
- stay on pitch
- see how music notation can be an aid to your musicianship
- use tempo as a tool for energy transformation
- understand some basics of Western music theory
- add new chants to your kirtan repertoire
- take care of your voice
- choose a harmonium
- play 3 chants: 2 Sanskrit and 1 English
- practice in a safe and supportive environment
Harmoniums are provided for use in class. If you have your own harmonium, you are welcome to bring it.
No prior music experience is required. Everything will be taught from a new beginner’s level.
Bring a binder with 25 pages of plastic sheet protectors.
“God loves it when we sing and are joyous.
Even more so when we sing His praises, for that only brings more and more grace and beauty into our lives.”
“Give thanks and sing the praises of a most compassionate and merciful God.”
Harreson Sito started as an untrained bumpkin with a confused mind frought with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. Mind, heart and spirit were all purified and honed in the fire of service in offering Vancouver Community Kirtan since 2016.
This journey into the unknown started with a feeling and desire that he timidly followed – to sing for and to God.
Over the years, the Divine nurtured and provided the favorable (and at times super challenging!) circumstances for the dross to be burnt away, leaving a clearer radiance of the innate joy, peace and love that resides in each one of us.
Now it is Harreson’s mission to enable more people to take up leading kirtan and to spread the awareness of a loving and patient God by teaching and mentoring the best trained kirtan faciltators.
He does that through holding the multi-faith and non-denominational space of Vancouver Community Kirtan, offering the kirtan trainings, supporting/ mentoring the kirtan training graduates, and providing opportunities for the graduates to perform in public in a safe and supportive environment so that their self-confidence can be nurtured and the graduates can grow into their own soul’s calling as a kirtan facilitator.